2024-151 TPT Medical Radiation / Ultrasound Technologist (AGH)
Equal Opportunity Employer seeking a Temporary Part-Time (Mat Leave) Medical Radiation/Ultrasound Technologist for Anson General Hospital (Iroquois Falls)
Equal Opportunity Employer seeking a Temporary Part-Time (Mat Leave) Medical Radiation/Ultrasound Technologist for Anson General Hospital (Iroquois Falls)
Equal opportunity employee is presently accepting applications for a full-time Registered Nurses for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer is presently accepting applications for a Part-Time Registered Nurse for Bingham Memorial Hospital/Rosedale Centre (Matheson, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer is presently accepting applications for a temporary full-time Registered Nurse for Bingham Memorial Hospital/Rosedale Centre (Matheson, ON)
Welcome to Dr. Mona Mohamed and Dr. Breceda
The MICs Group of Health Services will soon start working on updating their accessibility plan and are seeking the public’s feedback on the current plan that can be found on the following link: https://www.micsgroup.com/quality-safety/accessibility/. Our goal is to enhance accessibility to all our facilities. You are invited to review the document and provide feedback to: micsinfoemail@micsgroup.com until June 30, 2025. We appreciate everyone’s input and thank you for your participation. Les services de santé du groupe MICs sont en cours de mettre à jour leur plan d’accessibilité et recherchent la rétroaction du public en ce qui concerne le plan courant … READ MORE
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a full-time Patient Care Manager for Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, Ontario
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a part-time Registered Practical Nurse for South Centennial Manor (Iroquois Falls)
Equal Opportunity Employer is presently accepting applications for a full-time Registered Nurse for Anson General Hospital (Iroquois Falls, ON)
Equal opportunity employee is presently accepting applications for 3 part-time Registered Nurses for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)