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Get in touch

Your questions and concerns are important to us. Please give us a call, send us an email, submit a feedback form, or visit us in person. A hospital team member will be more than happy to assist, by answering questions or dealing with concerns you may have. Please reach out through one of the following methods.

Bingham Memorial Hospital

507 Eighth Avenue
Matheson, ON P0K 1N0

Phone: 705-273-2424
Fax: 705-272-7476

Rosedale Centre
Phone: 705-273-2424

Anson General Hospital

58 Anson Drive
Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1E0

Phone: 705-258-3911
Fax: 705-272-7455

South Centennial Manor
240 Fyfe Street
Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1E0
Phone: 705-258-3836
Fax: 705-272-7455

Lady Minto Hospital

241 Eighth Street
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0

Phone: 705-272-7200
Fax: 705-272-7477

Villa Minto
Phone: 705-272-7200

Connect with us
Chief Executive Officer
ext. 2201
Chief Financial Officer
ext. 3363
Chief Nursing Officer
ext. 1156
Chief Human Resource Officer
ext. 2345
Executive Lead of Long-Term Care
ext. 2264
Director of Operations
ext. 2020
Executive Assistant
ext. 2219