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Directions for Hospital Visits

Bingham Memorial Hospital / Anson General Hospital / Lady Minto Hospital

The MICs Group of Health Services is delighted that the guidelines are changing in a manner that will reunite patients with their families.  We have established a visiting program that will ensure everyone’s health and well-being.

Please read all the information below very carefully as visits will only be allowed if all requirements have been met and all directions followed.

One visitor at a time

  • Decide who in the family will visit.
  • Children under the age of 12 cannot visit at this time.

Every visitor must be healthy and screen negative to all COVID-19 screening questions.

Answer the following screening questions:

  1. Did you travel outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
  2. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 without wearing appropriate PPE?
  3. Do you have any of the following symptoms?
  • Fever
  • New onset of cough
  • Worsening chronic cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Decrease of loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Chills
  • Headaches
  • Unexplained fatigue/malaise/muscle aches (myalgias)
  • Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion without other known cause
  1. If you are 70 years of age or older, are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
  • Delirium
  • Unexplained or increased number of falls
  • Acute functional decline
  • Worsening of chronic conditions

Every visitor must wear a clean mask (covering both nose and mouth) for the entire visit.

* A reusable cloth mask or procedure mask is acceptable.

* Make sure the mask covers your mouth and nose at all times.

* Perform hand hygiene each time you touch your mask.

Visits will be prearranged by appointment.

To schedule your visit, please call:

Bingham Memorial Hospital: 705 273-2424 ext. 1113

Anson General Hospital: 705-258-3911 ext. 3306

Lady Minto Hospital: 705-272-7200 ext. 2211

  • Bookings will be available 12:00 pm-5:00 pm daily including weekends.  Last available booking will be at 4:00 pm.
  • No more than two visitors on nursing unit at one time.
  • Appointments are limited and will be assigned fairly among all patients on unit.

Day of Visit

  • Do not bring any bags, purses or other unnecessary items.
  • If you have items you would like to leave, please consult with the Patient Care Manager or nurse in charge prior to your visit.
  • Apply your mask before exiting your car.
  • Come to the main entrance, sanitize your hands, then:
    • The screener will ask you about any signs and symptoms of COVID you may have
    • If you pass the screening questions, the screener will allow you to proceed to the nursing unit. A nurse will meet you, take your temperature and ask you to wash your hands.
    • At this time, you will be given a visitor ID badge.
      • Please wear it at all times during your visit.

Actual Visit

  • After the above procedures are completed, you will be directed to your loved one’s room.
  • Physical distancing is required so please ensure that you remain 2 meters away from your loved one and ensure your mask remains in place at all times over your nose and mouth.
  • You must remain in the room for the duration of the visit.
  • Visits are scheduled for up to one hour.

Following Visit

  • At the end of the visit, please return your visitor ID badge to the nursing staff.
  • Only remove your mask once you have left the hospital and sanitized your hands.


  • Visits to the Rosedale Centre, South Centennial Manor and Villa Minto are not included in this process. Please consult each Long-Term Care Home for further direction.

As you can see, multiple safeguards are in place to keep the visits as safe as possible.  It is important to understand that the MICs Group of Health Services will follow all directives issued by the Ministry of Health and the Porcupine Health Unit.  Should cases of COVID be present in the community or an outbreak occur at the hospital, all visits will be cancelled.  Visits will also be cancelled if visitors do not comply with these directives.

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