2025-45 TPT Receptionist LMH
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a temporary part-time Receptionist for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Employment Opportunities range from administrative positions to nursing, clerical, paramedical and support services.
When working at any of the MICs Group of Health Services, you can expect:
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a temporary part-time Receptionist for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer seeking a Full-Time Pharmacy Technician for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer seeking a Part-Time Pharmacy Technician for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer seeking a Temporary Part-Time (Mat Leave) Medical Radiation/Ultrasound Technologist for Anson General Hospital (Iroquois Falls)
Equal opportunity employee is presently accepting applications for a full-time Registered Nurses for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer is presently accepting applications for a Part-Time Registered Nurse for Bingham Memorial Hospital/Rosedale Centre (Matheson, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer is presently accepting applications for a temporary full-time Registered Nurse for Bingham Memorial Hospital/Rosedale Centre (Matheson, ON)
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a full-time Patient Care Manager for Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, Ontario
Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking a part-time Registered Practical Nurse for South Centennial Manor (Iroquois Falls)
Equal opportunity employee is presently accepting applications for 3 part-time Registered Nurses for Lady Minto Hospital (Cochrane, ON)
The MICs Group of Health Services consists of three hospitals and their associated long-term care facilities located in the Northern Ontario communities of Matheson, Iroquois Falls and Cochrane.