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Porcupine Health Unit COVID-19 Update

Enhanced Measures to Protect Ontarians from COVID-19 (March 17, 2020)

To ensure the health of individuals and families living within our communities, please be aware of the following public health measures which are needed. These were recommended by Dr. David Williams, the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario, and further supported by Premier Doug Ford with today’s declaration of a state of emergency.

Current closures required:

  • All recreational programs and libraries
  • All private schools
  • All daycares
  • All churches and other faith settings
  • All bars and restaurants, with the exception of restaurants that can shift to takeout/delivery mechanisms

Important prevention measures:

  • Avoid gatherings and crowds
  • Social distancing: avoiding close contact (within 2 meters) with people outside of your immediate family
  • Wash hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Sneeze and cough into your sleeve or a tissue
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick
  • Stay at home if you are sick, and do not visit long-term care homes, retirement homes or other congregate living situations

All persons over 70 years of age:

  • Self-isolate for a period of 14 days
  • Only leave your home for essential reasons

If you have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days:

  • If you are not a health care worker or essential service worker:
    • Self-isolate for 14 days and do not go to work
  • If you are an essential services worker and you are asymptomatic:
    • Return to work but identify yourself to your employer so that a plan can be made to protect other workers
    • Self-monitor for a period of 14 days (and if you develop ANY symptoms at all, stay home immediately)
  • Children under 16 years of age who have travelled outside of Canada:
    • Self-isolate for 14 days, with active monitoring from parents
    • Children should stay at home and avoid social gathering points such as community centers or parks

If you are unwell and need to seek health assessment for COVID-19, there are four options available:

  • A Self-Assessment Tool is available at: https://www.ontaca/page/2019-novel- coronavirus
  • Telehealth Ontario at: 1-866-797-0000 (24/7)
  • Your primary care provider (call to book a virtual assessment)
  • Porcupine Health Unit COVID-19 Information Line at 705-267-1181, extension 2919 (Toll Free 1-800-461-1818).

COVID-19 Screening and Testing

The Porcupine Health Unit continues to work with local healthcare partners to facilitate screening and assessment for potential testing. All testing to date has been negative. Should we have a positive case, the Porcupine Health Unit will communicate this widely, sharing any guidance and follow-up as needed.

For continued information, please refer to the following websites and social media feeds:

PHU Facebook

PHU Website

Public Health Agency of Canada

Government of Ontario

Public Health Ontario

You can also contact the Porcupine Health Unit COVID-19 Information Line at 705-267-1181 extension 2919 (Toll Free 1-800-461-1818).

The Porcupine Health Unit appreciates the support and collaboration of all our community partners.

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