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Complex continuing Care

Complex care

Continuing care is provided in hospitals for people who have illnesses or disabilities which cannot be treated at home or in long-term care facilities. Patients are provided with room and board, and other basic necessities, in addition to medical care.

Orientation program

The objective of this program is to make the transition from a patient’s home or institution to the Complex Continuing Care Unit as easy and comfortable as possible. The emphasis is placed on quality of life for each patient with family involvement and support. The members of the Multi-disciplinary Team strongly believe and support the philosophy of the unit in its attempt to provide a comprehensive care program for each patient. The patient and his/ her family will be given a detailed tour of the physical layout of the Complex Continuing Care Unit and introduced to the disciplines involved in the Multi-disciplinary Team approach.

  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Comb & brush
  • Comfortable, washable and easy to wear street clothes
  • Shoes & slippers with good support for walking
  • Any assistive device the patient may have at home
  • Colostomy items
  • Other personal care items used by the patient
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Baby Powder
  • Back rub lotion
  • Generic Diapers

2 out of the 3 MICs hospitals offer a variety of accommodations; from standard, to semi-private and private options. They have been described below.

Anson General Hospital

There are 3 types of accommodations available at Anson General Hospital:

  • A standard room containing 2 beds and a shared washroom (4 per washroom) (no extra cost)
  • A semi-private containing 1 bed or 2 beds with a shared washroom (may be an extra cost)
  • A private room containing 1 bed with a private washroom (may be an extra cost)
** Each patient has a private closet, a 3-drawer dresser, bedside table and an over-bed table. Patients or family members should check with Reception about extra costs for semi-private and private rooms. **

Lady Minto Hospital

There are 2 types of accommodations available at Lady Minto Hospital:

  • A standard room containing 2 beds and a shared washroom (4 per washroom) (no extra cost)
  • A semi-private containing 1 bed or 2 beds with a shared washroom (may be an extra cost)


Each patient’s room has an adjoining bathroom which is fully wheelchair accessible with plenty of handrails and safety devices. The bathrooms are designed to encourage maximum independence and privacy. The tub and shower rooms are equipped with hydraulic high-low tubs with whirlpool attachments. To ensure safety, all patients will be accompanied by a staff member when using these facilities. Patient lifts with built-in scales are available as needed to aid in bathing patients who are unable to get in and out of the tubs independently.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages will be available only on a physician’s order and must be supplied by the patient and/or family. Alcoholic beverages will be dispensed by a member of the nursing staff who is responsible for monitoring amounts consumed. No visitors are permitted to indulge in alcoholic beverages while on hospital premises.

Barber & hairdressing services

Anson General Hospital

Anson General Hospital patients or family members are responsible for contacting their personal Barber or Hairdresser for services and the cost of the service.

Lady Minto Hospital

Lady Minto Hospital patients or family members are responsible for contacting their personal Barber or Hairdresser for services and the cost of the service. A Hairdressing Shop is located in the Villa Minto and is available for use at no cost.

Clergy & religious services
  • All denominations are welcome to visit between the hours of 11:00 am to 8:00 pm. This may be extended according to patient and family request or need.
  • Patients are encouraged to attend services in the community when possible.
  • The Quiet Room may be used for religious counselling.
  • In-hospital interdenominational services at Lady Minto Hospital will be provided monthly in conjunction with the Villa Minto.
Dining area

Anson General Hospital

Anson General Hospital patients are served meals in a private dining area.

Lady Minto Hospital

Lady Minto Hospital patients are served meals in a sunny and spacious dining area overlooking an outside patio. The dining area is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave oven and other small appliances to encourage as much independence on the part of the patient as possible. The outside patio is used for recreational and family gatherings during the summer months. A patient lounge is connected to the dining area for recreational programs and family gatherings.

Programs & activities

An array of programs and activities, both individual and group oriented, are selected uniquely for the patients, taking into account their capabilities and interests. The goal of the activities provided is to maintain and/or improve the mental and physical well-being of all patients.

Lady Minto Hospital

Also available at Lady Minto Hospital is the Snoezelen Room which is an environment to help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. Patients and family members are welcome to use this room after consultation with the Complex Continuing Care Unit Leader or other staff members so that you may become familiar with the various pieces of equipment in the room.

Equipment & mobility aids

Patients who require mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, for safe and appropriate mobility shall bring their own aids when admitted to the Complex Continuing Care Unit. Patients who do not have their own aids will initiate the process of purchase or rental within 2 months of admission. A member of the Physiotherapy Department will help you with this process. While waiting for the purchase or rental to arrive, some mobility aids may be available from the hospital for short term use. Patient lifts are used for transfers and mobility dependent on patient’s abilities.


The Ontario Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care has established a co-payment that is reviewed and revised at regular intervals. The co-payment is closely related to Old Age Security payments and is determined for each patient dependent upon his/her monthly income, current family status and reason for admission to the Complex Continuing Care Unit. Patients awaiting transfer to a long-term care facility (Alternate Level of Care) will be responsible for this co-payment as well.

Discharge planning

Participation in rehabilitative and therapeutic programs can result in patients achieving goals allowing discharge from hospital to either their own home or to another institution providing a different level of care such as Villa Minto or South Centennial Manor. Each complex continuing care patient’s level of care needs will be reviewed at patient care conferences. Family members are invited to these meetings and will be advised as to date and time.

The team will make recommendations to the family physician regarding placement when it becomes apparent that the level of care provided by the Complex Continuing Care Program is no longer required. Nursing staff will assist in application to another level of care such as a long-term care facility or home care program.

For the alternate level of care patient

Patients waiting in the Complex Continuing Care Unit for placement at a long-term care facility such as Villa Minto or South Centennial Manor will have gone through the placement application process and are classified as Alternate Level of Care waiting placement by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The Placement Coordinator for the Cochrane District Community Care Access Centre will contact the patient, family and the Patient Care Manager when a bed becomes available in the long-term care facility that has been chosen.

Electrical appliances

Since television sets are available for rental in the patients’ rooms, the only electrical appliances which the patient will be permitted to bring are razors, radios, media players, hair dryers, curling irons, etc. These items must be checked by our Maintenance Department (in order to ensure that they are not a fire or safety hazard) before they can be placed in your room. Please notify nursing staff when such items are brought to the hospital in order that arrangements can be made to conduct this mandatory safety check.


We want to help you maintain family ties while you are a patient of the unit. We encourage you and your family to offer suggestions, to seek information or to discuss any concerns with nursing staff. Your family can be involved in your day-to-day care as well as in the many social events planned throughout the year.

Fire drills

For your safety, fire drills take place regularly. The staff has been trained in emergency procedures and these regular drills permit them to practice their knowledge. When the alarm sounds, follow staff’s instructions. They will perform their drill duties and advise you when the drill is over.

Food service
  • Patients, whenever possible, will receive their meals in the dining area.
  • The Dietitian will attempt to incorporate the patient’s likes and dislikes into any special diets that may be ordered by your physician.
  • Meals will be served at 8:00 am, 11:45 am and 4:30 pm with snacks provided in between.
  • Juice, milk, tea, coffee, etc. will be available at all times in the dining room for patient enjoyment.
  • On special occasions, a family member can eat at the hospital with the patient. In these instances, the kitchen will need to be notified ahead of time and there will be a charge to the family.
Gift shop

Anson General Hospital

The Anson General Hospital auxiliary has a gift shop situated in the main lobby. It carries such items as snack foods, personal items, cards and small gifts.

Lady Minto Hospital

The Lady Minto Hospital auxiliary operates a gift shop located in the main lobby. It carries such items as snack foods, personal items, cards, small gifts, books and other items. The auxiliary also operates two vending machines both of which are located in the main lobby.


All properly labelled and washable items will be done by the hospital at no extra cost to the patient. Delicate items should be brought home for laundering. The hospital will not be responsible for lost or damaged clothing.

  • Incoming mail will be distributed daily to patients’ rooms.
  • Outgoing mail must be properly addressed and stamped and placed in designated box at reception.
Nurse call system

Cords, used to activate alarms at the Nursing Station, are located beside beds, in washrooms, in bathing areas and in other activity rooms. Please use them when you require help. At times, special adaptive devices may have to be used for patients with limited strength and mobility.

Personal items

We encourage you to bring a few favourite items such as pictures, a quilt, cushions and photos as this will help your room look more homelike. However, we must point out that space limitations, as well as safety regulations, must be recognized.


Staff, patients and families must comply with safety rules and report any safety hazards. Make use of handrails, side rails, adaptive devices, etc. If you have doubts about accomplishing a task, such as getting into and out of bed, please ask a member of the nursing staff for assistance.


As legislated by Bill 178, Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016, all Ontario hospitals are smoke-free as of January 1st, 2018. As a result, smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere on hospital property.

Staff, physicians, visitors and outpatients are not allowed to have any tobacco products visible while on any hospital property.

Patients are not allowed to bring tobacco products onto any hospital property. If you smoke on hospital property, you could be fined.


All rooms are equipped with an easy to read, large numbered face phone. A payphone is also available near the main entrance to the hospital.

Television viewing

Available in:

  • The patient lounge
  • The patient’s room / rental unit
  • Through a portable unit with VCR
  • Any money in excess of $20.00 should be kept at home, local bank or the Nursing Station lock-up.
  • We discourage patients from wearing jewellery of any great value. The hospital cannot take responsibility for loss of personal items.
  • Family must sign a release when taking jewellery home.

Because the Complex Continuing Care Unit becomes the patient’s home, visiting hours are more flexible in this area. Hours extend from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. The patient should not entertain more than two (2) visitors at a time in his/her room, but make use of the lounge and sitting areas provided.

If you are planning a family gathering, the staff should be notified in order to arrange for a convenient time and place. Please note that in an outbreak situation, visiting hours may be reduced.


The Complex Continuing Care Unit operates with some volunteer assistance. Only your co-operation with these volunteers will make the program successful.

Worries & concerns

Any worries or concerns the patient or family may have should be brought to the attention of the Complex Continuing Care Unit Leader. If the problem is severe in nature, a meeting with the proper managerial authorities will be arranged.