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The Lab

Did you know that up to 85% of decisions about your diagnosis and treatment are based on laboratory test results? Both you and your doctor depend upon the accuracy of these results.

The Timmins Cluster Laboratory Services Partnership – comprised of 12 hospital including MIC’s group of health services hospital labs (Lady Minto Hospital,  Anson General Hospital and Bingham Memorial Hospital. Together we strive to ensure that laboratories continue to meet the standards required by the provincial accreditation body.

Lab services are divided into two streams: Community Outpatients (Life Labs) and Hospital Registered Patients (In-Patients) .

 In Patient Services

The Hospital Laboratories provide inpatient services 7 days a week during site-specific working hours after which Point of Care testing is available.  Laboratory staff collect and identify samples from in-patients and emergency cases, completing necessary documentation and forwarding results to the physician. The Lady Minto Hospital Laboratory also provides microbiology services to its two partner hospitals, Bingham Memorial Hospital (Matheson) and Anson General Hospital (Iroquois Falls).

 Out Patient Services

As of July 15, 2024 MIC’s community outpatient LAB tests will be contracted out to LifeLabs.  With this we have had to make some changes to our out-patient services. Please refer to the tables below for details.


Ask Questions 

If you are ever unclear about the instructions, be sure to ask the person ordering the test for clarification. If you are not given any instructions, you should ask if there are any special instructions needed to prepare for the test.

Did you know? 
Not all lab tests are covered by OHIP

Bingham Memorial Hospital

Outpatient Hours

Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 11:00 am
(except on Statutory Holidays)

1-705-273-2424 ext. 1120

Anson General Hospital

Outpatient Hours

Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00pm - 2:45 pm
(except on Statutory Holidays)

1-705-258-3911 ext. 3325

Lady Minto Hospital

Outpatient Hours

Monday to Friday
8:00 pm - 12:00 pm
(except on Statutory Holidays)

1-705-272-7200 ext. 2324