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Privacy & Confidentiality

The MICs Group of Health Services is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of all personal health information to which it is entrusted in order to carry out its mission. If you feel your privacy has been compromised by someone associated with MICs, please contact the Privacy Officer.

MICs maintains a strict confidentiality policy. All team members of the MICs Group of Health Services must respect the confidentiality of matters that are dealt with, discussed or observed in their course of employment at a MICs facility.

Discussion of any of these outside the MICs facility or with individuals not directly involved is considered a breach of trust and a serious offence that will not be tolerated. Board members, clergy, volunteers, and students are required to maintain the same standards of confidentiality as the team members of the MICs Group of Health Services. Leakage of confidential information by MICs team members will be dealt with by disciplinary action.

Frequently asked questions