Welcome to our FAQ Section – your go-to resource for all things related to our plans for our stunning new building! We understand that you may have inquiries about various aspects of the structure, amenities, services, and more. Whether you’re a future resident, a curious visitor, or an enthusiast interested in the architectural marvel, this space is designed to address your queries and provide you with the information you seek.



Great ideas! Please submit further ideas to, as suggestions are always welcome and advise if you are willing to donate your time.

There will be an area designated for smoking.  Location TBD.

All corporate donations are recognized on our social media outlets and are published in our local newspaper.  Donors are always invited to attend any event we host.  

We may consider adding a plaque at a later time.

All bids bids will be considered.  There will be more information regarding tender bids as we move closer to construction.  

The Ministry is expecting a high level of certainty in achieving our Fundraising targets. If they approve the AGH to construct the new home, ultimately the AGH Board is on the hook for the shortfall. If we cannot achieve a high level of certainty, we will not be able to build and the remaining donated funds will stay in reserves. Remaining will be defined as donations less expenses, such as architecture fees, etc.

The accommodation is set based on the type and age of the home and regulated by a formula set by the Ministry of LTC. The rates will increase, based on the new home, but need to be determined.


Accordion Content

We can only qualify for a loan from Ontario Financing Authority which represents approximately 60% of the construction costs.

Only the Town of Cochrane has been approached. Their commitment has not been confirmed.

The amount of donations raised is to pay for the shortfall.

The 96-bed model should be more financially efficient in terms of staffing, etc. The staffing shortages will be a challenge, but we are working on a new staffing model utilizing more PSWs and RPNs


I attended the forum last evening. Very informative. Thank you for hosting this. We were encouraged to send feedback. One thing that I noticed in the picture of the proposed building plan, was a lack of attached hallways between the 3 resident wings. Was it done this way possibly to prevent resident wandering? My issue was with additional steps that will be required by staff, whether it be Housekeeping, Dietary, Nursing, Maintenance, or whomever. During a shift, if one of these individuals requires going from 1 hallway to another, they have to return to the main hallway on the South end, and then travel along this hallway until they get to the doorway for the wing they want. This floor plan could be an issue if there was a Code Blue, or other emergency that the worker needs assistance, and other staff cannot get there quickly. Another example with this proposed floor plan could be if there is a fire or maybe a Code Gray, where a horizontal evacuation is required. There could be congestion in that main hallway if you have First Responders going towards the situation, and staff and residents moving away from the situation. Additional hallways could easily have restricted access by using keypads or card-swipe capabilities. These doors would only be able to be opened by authorized individuals, and NOT residents or visitors. Just some thoughts. Again, thank you for the forum last evening.

Each room should have a ceiling lift as folks might be well when they move in but abilities deteriorate and moving to another room is unsettling and confusing for resident. The steps and ramps are a concern, would make it more difficult and unsafe for residents to move about and for wheelchairs to be pushed. Also moving stretchers would be a concern. Suggest sliding doors on the bathroom. Suggest desks in the rooms be portable as take up room and may not be used.

The overall presentation was well done and I believe fundraising will be much easier once the project is underway. In regards to ceiling lifts, I believe these should be in all rooms with at a minimum of the tracts installed during construction and lift apparatus purchased on an ongoing basis to have all rooms completed with lifts. Residents sometimes enter the facility not requiring a lift but conditions generally deteriorate and lifts are needed. As outlined in the presentation many folks will be familiar with their wing /pod based on the wall colour of area. Residents conditions will change and then moving to a room with a lift will increase confusion and be unsettling to the resident. Lifts also assist staff in the provision of care and staff safety. I also hope the proposed plan of having steps /ramp in the wings be reviewed as this seems to be an accident waiting to happen for residents. Ambulation is encouraged and folks will surely fall while navigating their way to the dining area physio or just out walking. Also pushing geriatric chairs or wheelchairs up and down ramps is not easily done on an ongoing basis. Anson has sliding doors on bathrooms which I think work well. I also think the proposed desks in the resident rooms should be portable so residents who do not use them can have them removed to allow more room for their specialized chairs etc. I was pleased to hear input from long-term care staff in all mics facilities will be accessed. Feel free to contact me if clarification is needed regarding comments.

No mixing of genders in semi private rooms unless a couple

No stairs or ramps!

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